No updates for me either.
To those in my same predicament:
Draw patience from wherever you can and do your best to calm the anxiety.
To those in my same predicament:
Draw patience from wherever you can and do your best to calm the anxiety.
We just have to wait this out right now. Believe it or not our cases are moving along pretty fast. I remember when it used to take a year before you got a work permit and travel documents and years before you got an interview. So much so that folks would usually just get their 10yr green card after the interview because they waited so long during the AOS process.
Anywhose, vent if you need to. I for one find USCIS and their processes to be woefully inefficient and unnecessarily difficult. But, after all is said and done, right now all we can do now is wait, hope and pray.
Anywhose, vent if you need to. I for one find USCIS and their processes to be woefully inefficient and unnecessarily difficult. But, after all is said and done, right now all we can do now is wait, hope and pray.