Hello! I am wondering about the instructions on the form I-864 affidavit of support. Specifically under the "How to Fill out Form I-864" number 3, which states,
I am likely over-thinking this, but I want to do it properly and to the best of my ability 
I put NA in the first blank of each section that was not applicable for me (for example in Part 3, Family Members 1-5; in Part 9, 1.a & 3.a; and Part 10, 1.a & 3.a). I did not put NA in EVERY slot, just the very first one (as none are applicable for me). Is this the proper way to be using NA on this form, or should I be doing this another way?
My main question is this: in Part 5 numbers 1-8, do I need a numeral in each slot (even if the value is "0")? I had left the slots blank that did not apply to me, but I want to be sure I am not supposed to be putting "0" there, instead.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and answer my silly little question!
Answer all questions fully and accurately. If a question does not apply to you (for example, if you have never been married and the question asks “Provide the name of your current spouse”), type or print “N/A,” unless otherwise directed. If your answer to a question which requires a numeric response is zero or none (for example, “How many children do you have” or “How many times have you departed the United States”), type or print “None,” unless otherwise directed.

I put NA in the first blank of each section that was not applicable for me (for example in Part 3, Family Members 1-5; in Part 9, 1.a & 3.a; and Part 10, 1.a & 3.a). I did not put NA in EVERY slot, just the very first one (as none are applicable for me). Is this the proper way to be using NA on this form, or should I be doing this another way?
My main question is this: in Part 5 numbers 1-8, do I need a numeral in each slot (even if the value is "0")? I had left the slots blank that did not apply to me, but I want to be sure I am not supposed to be putting "0" there, instead.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and answer my silly little question!