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question about interview

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  • question about interview


    I filed all the forms concurrently for gc based on marriage. I got a letter yesterday stating that my initial interview date is early October. My husband left his job in June to concentrate on his business he started this 3 years ago. However his income from his job and income from his business together way exceeded the poverty line. I sent them last pay stub from his previous job, business account bank statement showing income and also invoices sent out to vendors along with tax returns and w2. We explained the situation in the cover letter when sending all the forms and documents.

    My question is should everything be ok since they didnt send us rfe for any further proofs. Do you think they will need anything else regarding i864?

    Another question is do you think it is necessary to bring my husband two children with us at the interview since they live with us because he has primary custody of the children(they are 7 and 9)?

    Thanks in advance!!!

  • #2
    Wait for the interview letter, they will mention what they need. I am sure you husband will have to accompany you for the interview.


    • #3
      Originally posted by daru786 View Post
      Wait for the interview letter, they will mention what they need. I am sure you husband will have to accompany you for the interview.

      Thanks for replying Daru, I already got the interview letter and it gives a general box and none was ticked specifically for me. It was a general checklist so I don't know what is it for my particular situation. We told them on the cover letter that my husband left his job on June 2010 and is pursuing his company that he started three years ago. So we sent documents of all his tax return, W-2, invoice for his business sent to his vendor, bank statement for his business for this year, document showing his business license plus 1 pay stub that he got in June with all the payments from his job for the last month on the job. He worked there for 10 years.

      Do you think they would need anything else since all of the above for this year way exceed the poverty line?





