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I-485 RFIE. I864 or I864a?

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  • I-485 RFIE. I864 or I864a?


    I was sponsoring my mom but got I-485 RFIE letter as the the photos shown below. Looks like my income may not be enough to qualified.

    I can include my wife as a joint sponsor (per this letter instructed) or provide evidences of assets. I have a few rental properties with enough equities but they are co-owned with my wife.

    Maybe let my wife signed a joint sponsorship would be easier as she has a enough W-2. My question is, which form should we submit? On this RFIE letter, looks like should have the joint sponsor sign I-864. So not the I-864-A?

  • #2
    Your wife should not be a "joint sponsor", and instead should act as your "household member", adding income to your household income. So your wife would fill out I-864A, and her income would appear on your I-864 as "Person 1" in Part 6, and her income would be added to your income to make your household income. Her assets would also add to your assets to make your household assets. So you would probably also need to file an updated I-864 in that case.

    This is my personal opinion and is not to be construed as legal advice.





