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A few questions

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  • A few questions

    Hi, me and my wife have a few questions. To state, my wife entered legally on a J1 visa that expired 3 years ago.

    1. I do not meet the financial requirements for support of my wife, so her cousin did the I-864 affidavit of support. Here are a few questions:
    A. Does he need the past three years W-2s and tax returns?
    B. He did a joint file for tax returns. Can he receive a tax return with just his tax info? His wife wants no involvement in this, we only want his tax info.
    C. Do I still need to provide my past three years W-2s and tax returns?

    Question B is out biggest. My wife is extremely upset by hearing we need a copy of the tax return. God bless you for your help.

  • #2
    Only one year of tax returns is required, but they can request to see more later if they think more evidence is needed.

    He can't get a tax return other than the joint one he filed. He can state as his income only what his earnings currently are. He will also provide evidence of his part of that joint tax return by including his W2 form. His earnings by himself (without the wife's) will have to exceed the poverty limits.





