Hi everyone!
I just wanted to share my Green Card interview experience since this forum has been very helpful throughout my application process, and hopefully I can help someone else as well.
The interview was pretty short, it took about 10 minutes. The lady officer was extremely serious. She called us, walked us in her office, we sworn "to tell the truth and nothing but truth" type of thing. Then she read our address from the papers and asked us if we still live there - we moved a month ago, we told her our new address. She asked if we have a lease for the new place, I gave her the lease, she looked at it and asked "who is this person" - for the landlord's name... Then she asked where did we meet, she asked for mine and my parents' first names, where I'm from and if I have a job. She also asked where did we get married, if I was interviewed at the embassy in my country and whether was my husband interviewed there. Next was the evidence of our marriage: I gave her pictures, a bank statement of our joint account, car insurance paper with both our names, the tax return copies for 2010 (we filed jointly even though I didn't have an income in the US last year). Looking at the pictures she asked who the people were in one of the pictures (it was my sister and her newborn baby with the two of us, the photo was taken when my husband was in my home country last summer before we came here together). Then she asked if there are any pictures with his family, I showed her one of me with my sister-in-law's kids when I was babysitting them. She asked who witnessed our wedding, we told her my husband's parents and we showed her a picture of us getting married at the courthouse - we didn't have a wedding ceremony and I think she found that a little weird, she asked if went to eat somewhere afterwards (we can't afford a wedding and actually even if we could, I wouldn't want to have one because I believe it's a waste of money). Then she asked my husband about his job (full or part time), and asked me if there is any more evidence material, I told her I also brought holiday cards sent to us, she didn't say nothing at all and didn't even look at it. She told us that's all the questions she has for us and that she will make a decision after looking at the papers and we'll get a notice in the mail in 2-3 weeks.
To me and my husband it seems like the interview didn't go all that good. I don't know if we expected something else or maybe it was just her seriousness and attitude, but it just felt weird. The only thing we can do now is hope for the best and try to prepare for the worst. Again, thank you everyone who helped me with answers to my questions the past few months, it's much appreciated
God bless!
I just wanted to share my Green Card interview experience since this forum has been very helpful throughout my application process, and hopefully I can help someone else as well.
The interview was pretty short, it took about 10 minutes. The lady officer was extremely serious. She called us, walked us in her office, we sworn "to tell the truth and nothing but truth" type of thing. Then she read our address from the papers and asked us if we still live there - we moved a month ago, we told her our new address. She asked if we have a lease for the new place, I gave her the lease, she looked at it and asked "who is this person" - for the landlord's name... Then she asked where did we meet, she asked for mine and my parents' first names, where I'm from and if I have a job. She also asked where did we get married, if I was interviewed at the embassy in my country and whether was my husband interviewed there. Next was the evidence of our marriage: I gave her pictures, a bank statement of our joint account, car insurance paper with both our names, the tax return copies for 2010 (we filed jointly even though I didn't have an income in the US last year). Looking at the pictures she asked who the people were in one of the pictures (it was my sister and her newborn baby with the two of us, the photo was taken when my husband was in my home country last summer before we came here together). Then she asked if there are any pictures with his family, I showed her one of me with my sister-in-law's kids when I was babysitting them. She asked who witnessed our wedding, we told her my husband's parents and we showed her a picture of us getting married at the courthouse - we didn't have a wedding ceremony and I think she found that a little weird, she asked if went to eat somewhere afterwards (we can't afford a wedding and actually even if we could, I wouldn't want to have one because I believe it's a waste of money). Then she asked my husband about his job (full or part time), and asked me if there is any more evidence material, I told her I also brought holiday cards sent to us, she didn't say nothing at all and didn't even look at it. She told us that's all the questions she has for us and that she will make a decision after looking at the papers and we'll get a notice in the mail in 2-3 weeks.
To me and my husband it seems like the interview didn't go all that good. I don't know if we expected something else or maybe it was just her seriousness and attitude, but it just felt weird. The only thing we can do now is hope for the best and try to prepare for the worst. Again, thank you everyone who helped me with answers to my questions the past few months, it's much appreciated
