My son is 8 years old.
1. I signed with my signature and name in PART 5 (signature) & PART 6 (signature of Person Preparing form If other than above) of his I485 form.
2. I signed with my signature and name in PART 8 (signature) & PART 9 (signature of Person Preparing form If other than above) of his I131 form.
I submitted the forms and I got the receipt numbers from NSC.
I realized that I should not signed in PART 6 of I485 & PART 9 of I131. It should be attorney details
Is that cause any issue?. If so how would I correct this?
Experts please provide your suggestions.
1. I signed with my signature and name in PART 5 (signature) & PART 6 (signature of Person Preparing form If other than above) of his I485 form.
2. I signed with my signature and name in PART 8 (signature) & PART 9 (signature of Person Preparing form If other than above) of his I131 form.
I submitted the forms and I got the receipt numbers from NSC.
I realized that I should not signed in PART 6 of I485 & PART 9 of I131. It should be attorney details
Is that cause any issue?. If so how would I correct this?
Experts please provide your suggestions.