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DL step by step please

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  • DL step by step please

    Hello everyone
    I apply for GC for my wife. The applications are ready I am just waiting for the cosponsor letter to send the applications. But I would like to know every step after the ap send.
    -Is anyone can tell me each step from there?
    I have to go out of the country in September but I really need her to have her driver license before I go.
    -Is this possible?

  • #2
    More information would be helpful, such as:

    - What are you applying for? I-130? I-485?
    - Your status (green card, citizen etc.)
    - Her status (is she in the US?)


    • #3
      Yes we apply for the I-130 and the I-485.
      Yes she is in US but as illegal resident because she came here as visitor 6 years ago but her visa is expire long time ago. We got married about to month ago. I want for her the citizen ship
      Last edited by Naya; 06-13-2012, 09:21 PM.


      • #4
        Applying for permanent residence for someone who has been out of status that long can be complicated. I would probably consult an attourney if I was in your place. Also, if you want her to get a green card, make sure that she doesn't leave the country until she has one. Otherwise it will trigger the 10 year bar.


        • #5
          Thanks. I have a lawyer.
          Is anyone there who can help me to have answers for my questions please?





