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Can you stay outside the US 340 days in one year but less than 6 months at a time?

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  • Can you stay outside the US 340 days in one year but less than 6 months at a time?

    Hi, I hope someone's still replying around Xmas time!

    My wife and I landed in the US with Immigrant Visas in Jan 2012. We stayed in the US for ten days, then left for a little less than six months before returning with our Greencards in July. We stayed for a couple of weeks in July then left again. Now we're planning on moving to the US for good in January 2013 (less than 6 months since last departure). We never stayed outside the US more than six months at a time, but we've stayed abroad 340 days total in the past year.

    I got my Greencard through employer sponsorship and I've informed my employer of my delayed move due to turbulence in my home country and needing time to relocate my family. Should we expect any difficulty at the port of entry? Any advice to avoid that?

    No guessing please, I really need expert or self-experience answers.


  • #2
    Since you'll be returning for good, though there's always a chance you'll be slightly harassed, you will be allowed in without too much fuss.


    • #3
      Thanks cofeconleche, can you tell me the source of your info? Do you know someone who had the same situation? Is there anything in the law that addresses cases like this?


      • #4
        Dear friend

        Can you please share how it went?





