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Rentry Permit/Travel Document Issued after I left US

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  • Rentry Permit/Travel Document Issued after I left US

    I completed all my biometrics and Photograph at DHS and went back to my country a month before my travel document was issued. i.e I went back to my country on 1st Dec 2012 and travel document was issued on 25th Dec 2012. I have my travel document with me.

    I have a confusion here since i left United States before travel document was issued:

    1. Do I have to return United States before Six Months and again return back to my own country to retain my green card or

    2. Can I make entry to States after a year or before the expiry period (without returning back now before six months expiry period)

    Your suggestions are highly appreciated.

  • #2
    You must return before the document expires.





