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Alien Number

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  • Alien Number

    Hi Guys,

    Our POE was at Detraoit and INS inspector has written Alien No in my passport but not in my wife's (My wife is the Primary applicant for Greencard).

    1) Would it cause any problem getting plastic card?

    2) Would it be problem in applying SSN?

    3) Do I need to contact INS office to get Alien No for my wife?

    Help in this regard greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Something wrong

    Looks like here may have been n oversight by the immigration officer in your case. Irresepctive of who the primary applicant is, ever immigrant must have an A#

    Go to INS office in Detroit downtown on Jefferson Ave. and speak to them about this.


    • #3
      Sometimes these guys make mistakes. Both of you have A#s, anyway, so the actual card will have the numbers.
      Did you by chance make a copy of the IV before you entered? If so, you can see the IV# in the top and bottom right corners. This is the same # as the A#.
      If you didn't make a copy of the IV, you most likely will have to wait for the actual card to arrive. Maybe the officers at the local INS office can help, but usually, they look a person up by the A#. They may be able to look up by name, but don't count on it. You can go to the office closest to where you live.



      • #4
        Thanks JoeF and Nics,I did not copy my packet IV. I am going to INS office tomorrrow and I will post my experience.


        • #5
          I went to INS office in St.paul since I live in Rochester and I asked the one of the INS people where is defered inspection department and they showed us and asked us to sit in waiting area. You don't need to stand in the queue where everybody stands since these cases are dealt by 'Defered Inspection' people. We waited there and nobody showed up it's 15 after 8:00 AM , we pushed the buzzer and officer came and asked us how can he help us? We explained our situation then he said that it's not defered inspection , it's deport department and asked us to go next room. We went there and tried to get in but it's locked and somebody has to let us in. We again went to the same officer who asked us to go next room he said that I will be with you shortly. He did not showed up we were waiting outside desparately and waiting for somebody to letting us in. After a while somebody (INS officer)was going in that room and we explained our situation why we are waiting. He saild that he will go in side and talk to somebody to letting us in . After a while the INS inspector came and asked what's the problem? We explained him then he said he is not sure whether the Detroit people entered my wife's Alien No. in their system or not if so he can get it if not you got a problem he said. He took our passports and asked us to wait in the waiting area after a while he come and said that the Detroit people screwed up with my wife's alien no. Last digit and he put it as a 4 since mine is 5 and my wife is primary applicant. I am not sure whether it's correct alien no or not and asked the officer would it be a problem he said not at all(the same officer said that you got a problem before)and went SSN office and applied for SSN's.

          What I would like to suggest everybody is make sure that you got alien No. written in your passports. Thanks.


          • #6


            Just to verify I checked A# for me, my wife and son and they are quite different. They end in 157, 168 and 159.

            So, may be what the officer did was not correct, but I guess that is best you can do now. Hope once you get your plastic cards, it will not be a problem.



            • #7
              Re: A#

              Thanks for checking Amit, hope it won't be a problem.





