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green card pregnant insurance

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  • green card pregnant insurance


    After getting the green card and the Visa we plan to move to BOSTON in two weeks, also my wife is pregnant runnning six months.

    I would like to know what will be the next steps to do as soon as I relocate to the states. is there any insurance for green card holder's or is there any favorites for pregnant women?
    if not how it can cost for me to have baby in the USA?

    Please advice on my request?

    Thank you in advance!

  • #2

    Your wife won't get a Green Card until after she has been in the states for at least a month. After she receives her immigrant visa, you will have to pay $165 online to USCIS to order her Green Card.

    Delivery of a baby in the U.S. will cost $4,000 and more. Since pregnancy is a preexisting condition, any temporary medical insurance you purchase for your wife may exclude child birth or have significant copayment requirement.

    --Ray B

    Originally posted by hichem View Post

    After getting the green card and the Visa we plan to move to BOSTON in two weeks, also my wife is pregnant runnning six months.

    I would like to know what will be the next steps to do as soon as I relocate to the states. is there any insurance for green card holder's or is there any favorites for pregnant women?
    if not how it can cost for me to have baby in the USA?

    Please advice on my request?

    Thank you in advance!


    • #3
      green card pregnant insurance


      thank you for your prompt reply!

      Correct, we got only the Visa and we already paid the immigration fee (165$).

      what we should do as soon as we arrive to the state?
      should we pay an insurance that cover baby delivrance?

      Please advice?

      Best regards


      • #4
        If your wife is already pregnant, any medical insurance you purchase for her will not cover the cost of her child birth entirely, but maybe a small portion of the cost.

        Her pregnancy is considered a "pr-eexissting medical condition," which will disallow most or all of the medical cost for the child birth.

        --Ray B

        Originally posted by hichem View Post

        thank you for your prompt reply!

        Correct, we got only the Visa and we already paid the immigration fee (165$).

        what we should do as soon as we arrive to the state?
        should we pay an insurance that cover baby delivrance?

        Please advice?

        Best regards


        • #5
          It is the best if your wife delivers the baby in your country and you immigrate after that.
          Immihelp Support
          No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

          Visa and Greencard Tracker

          Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.





