My parents are currently holding the US green cards and living in Vietnam using 2 years of reentry permit. They find the living their is less challenging than starting over at the US. Of course, they really want to come here some other day to visit me, their only son, and celebrate my college graduation with me. I'm trying to find the better way to make that happen than keep submitting the reentry permit form. They absolutely dont mind abandoning their green cards but they're afraid of losing their priorities to obtain a US traveling visas. I read your site about form I-407 but there was nothing guarantees the ability of getting a US traveling visas and how long they'll last. I really appreciate your time helping me out. Please respond to me as soon as possible and hope you guys don't mind my wordy writings.
Once again thank you.
My parents are currently holding the US green cards and living in Vietnam using 2 years of reentry permit. They find the living their is less challenging than starting over at the US. Of course, they really want to come here some other day to visit me, their only son, and celebrate my college graduation with me. I'm trying to find the better way to make that happen than keep submitting the reentry permit form. They absolutely dont mind abandoning their green cards but they're afraid of losing their priorities to obtain a US traveling visas. I read your site about form I-407 but there was nothing guarantees the ability of getting a US traveling visas and how long they'll last. I really appreciate your time helping me out. Please respond to me as soon as possible and hope you guys don't mind my wordy writings.
Once again thank you.