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Life after... :\

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  • Life after... :\

    Waiting for Consulate to set up my interview. Meanwhile, trying to figure out the timeline ahead...

    When I get back to the US, my passport gets stamped with a permanent visa. Then, my permanent status starts.

    1) How long will it take to get my plastic card (Port of Entry, San Francisco / CSC, most likely, possibly NYC/CSC). Should I prefer one port-of-entry over another? Any experiences?

    2) The card will be sent to the attorney's office. If i do change jobs meanwhile, is it possible that my card will be held as a ransom? Worse yet, nobody will bother telling me it arrived? (Assuming that no bridge was burnt and they are cool with me moving on -- at least to the extent to which they won't raise hell about it).

    3) Can I get a copy of it at a later time?

    4) When exactly can i apply for citizenship?

    Thanks, all!


  • #2
    1. plastic card will take 6 to 8 month as i uinderstand.

    2. it will arrive at your home address [given by you].


    • #3
      mine arrive in less than 2 months.





