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N-400 put on review after the interview

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  • N-400 put on review after the interview

    Hello....I'm not sure whether this belongs to Re-Entry Permit but here is my case.

    I received my Green card in Feb'09 while I was on H4(dependent on my dad) and was in the middle of my undergrad there.So I immediately entered the US and applied for a Re-Entry permit for 2 years until I completed my studies.So I have been in the US from March'11 till date qulaifying for the rule of 30 months of continuous stay.
    So I applied for the N-400 on March'15 after staisfying the rule of 4 years 1 day of stay.I was called for the interview today.In the interview the officer after the citizenship test,put my case under review and notified that I passed the test but said she will have to review my eligibility of continuous stay.
    I'm have never heard of such kindof case.She said she will review and asked me tocheck the status online on USCIS website.I see nothing has appeared as of now.
    Is there anyone of such case as mine ?

  • #2
    How long were you resident before you broke your continuous residence?


    • #3
      I was in India with a rentry permit from March'09 to March'11 to complete my undergrad.

      I'm staying in US from March'11 - till date ....


      • #4
        How long did you reside in the United States as a permanent resident prior to leaving for India?


        • #5
          Just a month ...I recevied my permanent residency in Feb'09 and left to India in March'09 on a reentry permit.

          Prior to Feb'09,I was on H-4 dependent visa based on my Dad's H1 employment visa.


          • #6
            The policy manual and applicable regulation implies that you were eligible to apply for naturalization, but that is clearly inconsistent with the governing statute. It is also counter intuitive enough that an immigration officer who isn't trained on the statutory provisions needed to scratch her head and request a review.

            You should find out in a month what their decision is, and if your application for naturalization is denied, it will be without prejudice.


            • #7
              Sure ...thank you ! I will wait for the next 120 days as she told me the review time is 120 days and keep fingers crossed until then ...





