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working for another employer after GC - PT/ FT

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  • working for another employer after GC - PT/ FT

    Hi All,

    Guess life is rosy after GC (:-> I do not see any postings here. Well Let me inaugurate this thread with few questions.

    1. When you come back from CP successful, you need to get I-551 stamp on your passport. Now with this you can legally work for your employer. But how long should one continue with the same employer, given to understand that GC is meant for permanent employment with the company that sponsors it. So if you jump to another company that intent is lost and INS can cancel your GC. But after reading various postings on this issue, I came to one conclusion. none can say anything for sure how long. I guess, somewhere between 90 days or 6 months to a year. Does anyone have any views on this ?

    2. After you get I551 stamp on your passport, what additiotnal formalities has to be done so that you can legally work parttime for any other company. I rember having read about this sometime, somewhere ? Can anyone refresh my memory.

    If there are any other post GC issues, please post it here.



  • #2
    1. No one has precise answer. So I also don't have.
    2. Whenever you work for any company, fill I-9 form with them and as eligibility to work, give them copy of green card. For any other work like independent consulting etc, web site; you don't need to anything extra. Just give them your SSN etc (some may require you to file W-7 with them.)
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    • #3
      I have a question which i think fits in this category.

      I have an employer A who is ready to file 140 (RIR done).

      I got another offer from co. B

      A is ready to continue the GC process.

      What should I do:

      a. Let A do the process (as some time can be saved). But I must join A back when GC is processed.

      b. I can join A part time when GC is done.

      c. Forget A, Start fresh with B.

      Add any comments.

      Thanks for the help,


      • #4

        a. Let A do the process (as some time can be saved). But I must join A back when GC is processed.

        VFP: Yes, this is possible. Provided A wants you back, and they do not have any problems with this arrangement.

        b. I can join A part time when GC is done.

        VFP : vice versa is possible initially. i.e. work full time for A and part time for B. After some time leave A and join B on full time basis. But you cannot work part time for the company that sponsored your GC.(How can they justify the salary mentioned in your LC then? unless they are ready to pay you the same salary for a part time job (:->)

        c. Forget A, Start fresh with B.
        VFP : This depends on you. If you are really pissed off with company A so much, then start fresh with B.

        I assume that your LC is approved. So actually all you might loose is 6 months to year (LC processinng time) if you opt for option c

        This are just my views. So consult a lawyer before making any decision.



        • #5
          3 to 6 months are enough to hang on to the present job after getting the 551 stamp on the passport, according to my attorney.


          • #6
            how long to stick with parent company


            This is very debatable issue. I have been reading some discussion threads about this in various web sites and no where I could see any affirmative statement abou this. The period mentioned varied from 90 days to a year.

            But most of them say that to be on safe side, 6 months is enough.

            Can your lawyer vouch for this, if you are denied citizenship based on this. Can he give a written statement to you in this regard.



            • #7
              Re: how long to stick with parent company

              Of course not! No lawyer would do that and you know that. There is no written rule for the length of employment after the 551 stamp or the greencard. I have also heard a case that you can change your job the very next day after getting the stamp on the passport. This was answered by an INS officer at the port of entry.

              The bottom line is one has to have a good relations with the present company. "Do not burn bridges" philosophy is what you and I need. I am in good terms with my present company and will explain the reason for the change of employment [based on money/perks/career etc..].


              • #8
                Re: how long to stick with parent company


                Yes, what is said is correct. As long as your employer is not going to INS and screwing you up if you leave them, you are fine so far.

                But from what I am understanding is that, even if you do not have any problems if you jump in 3-6 months, you might have one, when you apply for citizenship. They might qeustion you on this.

                Now all this is based on what I have read in various threads. So I am not backing 100% of this.



                • #9
                  Re: how long to stick with parent company

                  As per Ron Gotcher, INS has not been too picky lately about this. The reason is the inordinate delay in processing GC (since it takes almost 3 yrs) and the fact that in todays world, there is no permanent job. In any case, one can always justify the move based on better pay, perks, career movement, etc.



                  • #10
                    What if you don't get the plastic card in 6 months
                    (which is very likely)?
                    Can you/we still change the job?


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        My two bits:-

                        Concentrate on the job!!

                        Unless your job really sucks, you wouldn't need to change! And if it does, then really, legally there is nothing stopping you from changing -- look at it, you have done the right things, given the right reasons to immigrate, got your immigration and then your job sucks!! If it really sucks, YOU WILL TAKE THE RISK, isn't it? Therefore, take the risk of a hard stop in the immigration process and change the job --if you feel that the job sucks!

                        In reality, no job is really that lousy, and no job is that cushy where you need to be taking risks with something you have desired for so long, and given up so much (unless you haven't, because you never had anything before!).

                        I think this short posting should help you align your thoughts!

                        My last advice is :- Please concentrate on the job and enjoy life rather than making your grey-cells work overtime in a different direction.


                        • #13
                          Gee Sky clipper...i never thought about this!! c'mon....some people are stuck doing the same job for over 4 years. Do you expect them to stick to the same job? GC never used to take this long to come through in past....so the times have changed. I haven't changed the employer yet but here's what my employer had to say about a hint given by me on change of employer:

                          "My company takes pride being a fair company with respect to our employees, and we expect our employees to treat us the same. We have costs and overhead to maintain that most people don’t understand. I’m sure you are aware that my company has invested a great deal of time and money into trying to grow the contract business with limited success (other than yourself). However, I am a firm believer that an individual must do whats right for them and their family, so I would support any decision that is made"


                          • #14

                            You got it right! Your Employer is also hinting that you could go, and even though it would hurt the company, he/she would let you go if you told them that. All the same they have made you aware of what they have done for you and expect you to respect that! And I am sure you will. And do what is best for yourself. After all, who whould want an Employee grouching around in their environment.

                            Take care!!

                            "Grow or Go" can always work out.


                            • #15
                              Look Bro,

                              All i'm doing is sharing me experience on this great immihelp site. Obviously my situation is very different.... from yours for sure so refrain from advicing me! I don't even work in my employer's building....in other words I work offsite. Gee did you ever think of that!

                              If you really wanna get personal, email me at
                              [email protected].

                              I am looking forward to it!!!





