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Green Card 50 years, now don't know my status.

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  • Green Card 50 years, now don't know my status.

    Hello, I immigrated to the USA from the UK in 1964 with a job here and a Green Card. I have worked here for 50 years and receive social security benefits. I am 74 years old. After my parents died in the UK I had to go there to deal with their debt and property in 2001 and 2004 for short stays of less than 2 months. . In addition, in 2008 my spouse and I lost our jobs and in 2009 our house and savings.
    In November 2009 we no money, no shelter, no income except unemployment for a year.

    We decided to go to the UK and live in my parent's house which by then belonged to me. It was to be a temporary situation, but we could not return to the US to live, only visit, due to lack of money. In 2015 we decided to sell the UK house and did.

    HISTORY OF US VISITS: Upon entering Atlanta in 2011 on a stop-over I was taken by Border Security and held for 3 hours. I had to sign several documents with a Notary, but never knew what I was signing and was never given copies. I am still receiving SS benefits now in 2015.

    Is there a way to find out my real status in the USA? Attorneys want $5000. to assist. I would like to know my status here before I lay out cash. Is there a way to find my Green Card status without going to a Immigration office? We have settled in California and bought a house, but I am afraid to renew my driver's licence or raise any alarms that may cause deportation. I still file US income tax every year.
    My wife is 70 and unwell. We need to do this methodically without stress. Can anyone advise? John

  • #2
    Without knowing what you signed, it is very difficult to say. Did they admit you into US after signing all those papers or did they deny entry? Are you presently living in the US? Do you have a valid Green card? Have you applied for renewal of the card?
    This is my opinion and not legal advice.





