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Green Card Holders (of 2 years). Are we allowed to do freelance work overseas?

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  • Green Card Holders (of 2 years). Are we allowed to do freelance work overseas?

    My wife and I have held a green card for 2 years now. We are freelance photographers. Are we allowed to do freelance photography work when we travel back home to Australia? The work would be done in Australia for Australian companies. Not sure if there's restrictions on this or not?

  • #2
    Originally posted by matthewh133 View Post
    My wife and I have held a green card for 2 years now. We are freelance photographers. Are we allowed to do freelance photography work when we travel back home to Australia? The work would be done in Australia for Australian companies. Not sure if there's restrictions on this or not?
    No problem, as long as you still reside in the US. Also, keep in mind that as residents of the US, your worldwide income is subject to US taxes.

    This is my personal opinion and is not to be construed as legal advice.


    • #3
      Originally posted by newacct View Post
      No problem, as long as you still reside in the US. Also, keep in mind that as residents of the US, your worldwide income is subject to US taxes.
      Thanks a lot for your response! We don't currently have an apartment in the US (the agreement expired just before we left to come to Australia), but we definitely still tell people we live in the United States, and are just home visiting family for Christmas and our family member's new born baby. We plan to head back at the end of January. I actually will be entering the US for a few days of work there in a couple of weeks, so I will have entered the US twice since leaving the US in September. I'm hoping this is OK?


      • #4
        Originally posted by newacct View Post
        No problem, as long as you still reside in the US. Also, keep in mind that as residents of the US, your worldwide income is subject to US taxes.
        We are "residents" of the US, but are currently traveling back home for Christmas and the birth of a relative. Our apartment lease expired at the end of August, and we came to Australia in September figuring without the financial burden of renting it would be a good time to do so. We have a return ticket to America to find a new apartment January 14th. We have 2 cars in storage and a storage locker with all of our furniture waiting for us to get a new apartment when we return.

        Although we will have been gone a number of months, I actually entered the US (VIA Hawaii) 2 weeks ago for a one week work assignment, and will be entering Hawaii again in a week for another 1 week work assignment before coming back to Australia until our return flight. I'm figuring that due to entering the US twice between starting our travels and going back for good this shouldn't be an issue as it will have been less than 6 months since we left when we go back?
        Last edited by matthewh133; 11-25-2016, 07:49 PM.





