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When do I stop being a permanent resident?

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  • When do I stop being a permanent resident?

    I have a green card, and my first re-entry permit that expires this month, I have decided not to return to the US to apply for my second one, and therefore let my green card go.
    I am curious though- when do I actually stop being a permanent resident, or has that already happened? I have a 10-year green card that expires next year.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Sariana View Post
    I have a green card, and my first re-entry permit that expires this month, I have decided not to return to the US to apply for my second one, and therefore let my green card go.
    I am curious though- when do I actually stop being a permanent resident, or has that already happened? I have a 10-year green card that expires next year.

    I am not completely knowledgeable about these things, but looking at your previous post I would recommend you to come back to US before your reentry permit expires if you would like to maintain your LPR status. You can apply for re-entry permit if you like, once you are back. I don't know if someone tries to enter US on an expired re-entry permit, will they be allowed into the US.

    May be experts can comment or correct me.

    Disclaimer: This is not a legal advice and everyone should consult an immigration attorney in immigration matters.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sariana View Post
      I have a green card, and my first re-entry permit that expires this month, I have decided not to return to the US to apply for my second one, and therefore let my green card go.
      I am curious though- when do I actually stop being a permanent resident, or has that already happened? I have a 10-year green card that expires next year.
      You are far from having given up your green card. Even if you show up at a Point of Entry after your Re-entry permit expires, they will let you in with a warning - most likely. You would just have to show evidence that you still have ties - especially, financial ties - to the US; as well as evidence to document why you could not return on time.
      I would strongly recommend that you take the time to read this document. "How permanent is permanent residence? Abandonment of LPR status"
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      You will see that ONLY a judge can make the finding of abandonment. CBP agents will try to intimidate you into signing a I-407, Record of Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status. Do not sign it. Politely recite the law to them. ONLY a judge may make the finding of abandonment. CBP may only issue you an NTA (Notice to Appear). It will not get to that point.

      Do try to return as soon as you can.





