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Praetorian XI. please guide

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  • Praetorian XI. please guide

    Please guide me. this is my problem.

    I had an argument with my in laws and they threw me out iof their house and took my green card without my knowledge. and now they dont want to return it to me. i know they have it and they also told they have it with them. its a condiitonal green card for 2 years. How do i get back my green card? do i have to report this to the police? should i apply for a duplicate green card? please explain me the legal way to get back my green card.

  • #2
    Green card is your property and they cannot confiscate it. Report it to the police.

    The conditional green card business is between the USCIS and you. Who are your in-laws to hold your documents?

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      Praetorian XI i also want your advice with regards to my problem.

      thank you so much for ur reply txh1b. i appreciate it. Praetorian XI i also want your advice with regards to my problem. please lemme know. after ur say i am going ahead with a police complaint.


      • #4
        Patch up!

        Originally posted by Max20
        Please guide me. this is my problem.

        I had an argument with my in laws and they threw me out iof their house and took my green card without my knowledge. and now they dont want to return it to me. i know they have it and they also told they have it with them. its a condiitonal green card for 2 years. How do i get back my green card? do i have to report this to the police? should i apply for a duplicate green card? please explain me the legal way to get back my green card.

        Have you thought about the latter effect on your future? No matter whose fault it may be, you and only you will be on the short end of the rope. Your conditional status expires in 2 years after which you will have to prove to USCIS that the 2 of you are still married and living together.

        Your ignorance and arrogance will lead to your downfall. Sorry to be so direct but this is not the time to display a hostile character. You need your spouse's support if you want to obtain permanent residency in the U.S. down the road. These 2 years will go by real fast and soon you'll be facing the harsh reality. Do you want to wait for it because you know that's coming?

        No matter how you feel at this moment, since the situation is already out of control, it is time to be wise and apologize. Remember, always think 2 steps ahead and you will stay out of trouble. Right now if you file a report, you may get your conditional green card back and you can enjoy your sweet short stay for 2 years. After that you're going back home permanently and it will be due to your egoistic attitude. You may be the greatest person on earth with the best of intentions but right now the ball is in their court and they have you on a noose.

        One more thing, don't take any legal action against them to get your green card back. It'll only make the matter worse. Time to forget and patch up all loose ends. Keep in mind, an apology is worth a thousand words and goes a long way.

        Good Luck.


        • #5
          I agree with ASM. But the GC is between the US citizen married and the spouse. The in-laws have no right to confiscate the GC. When did relatives start getting such bullying power just because of an immigrant status the spouse holds?

          If the in-laws have so much influence on a relationship, making the marriage lasting just for the purpose of GC is something of a personal choice.

          Removal of conditions for a permanent GC is something you need to consider if it is worth or not.

          BTW, how did the in-laws get their hand on your personal documents and do you stay at their house on a permanent basis? If so, it is time to stand up on your own legs.

          I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


          • #6
            Dear ASM,

            Thank you for your reply. I have tried each and every step from my side to reconcile and patch up with my wife. I did not leave any stone unturned to get my wife back in my life. i wrote this query after trying all the options from my side. my parents also tried a lot to explain this to my wife. my wife has been completely brainwashed by her parents who are hell bent on getting her separated from me. i need my Green card because i need to show it to my employer for my new job. my in laws are the ones who closed all the doors for a patch up and not me. i am a highly educated and technical person. i can make my life anywhere. But i want justice to be served. u dont know my story. if u know it u will feel sorry for me. but i dont want anyone to be sorry for me. i told them a lot to give me back my green card but they wont give it and everytime tell we will think. i too dont want to do anything legal at this time but i am so helpless. u tell me what should i do? Praetorian i am still waiting for ur reply.


            • #7
              Dear txh1b,

              Me and my spouse had some personal differences. i was staying with my in laws and since i got a new job and earning enough to have an independent life i wanted to move out and have a life of my own with my wife. we had a joint account which she closed without even asking me. she disconnected my fone. all this was being done under the orders of my in laws. my wife on a whole is a good girl but a lot of poison has been infested in her. i had my own shortcomings and mistakes and i admitted them and told them, please leave us alone and let us have our own life. but they told me that no, u cant. i want my wife back in my life. I WILL GO LEGAL IF THE NEED ARISES. i was staying with them. they kicked me out of the house in the night at 4 am on the road with no one to look after me. when i was going thru my stuff, i had everyhting except the GC. they took it without my knowledge. all this because i have a conditional GC. i am on my own legs right now. i came here on H1 visa and then changed my status and now my visa is also revoked. i have tried a lot to get my wifes support but she has just turned her head from me. i am a law abiding and God fearing person. if i am on right path with the right intentions i will get permanent GC on my own otherwise i will go back. but i want justice to be served. i love my wife a lot inspite of so much drama but they wont let me meet her and she is just standing like a statue. i have lost her trust but i need one chance to show her how much i love and care her. as of now my 1st priority is to get my green card back.



              • #8
                Wait for Praetorian's opinion on it.

                If the woman has no personal thinking capacity being an adult, you need to reconsider if the relationship is worth prolonging. What good is it when a person cannot think or act on their own being an adult?

                A relationship works out only if both of you want it to without any external influence on it. If they think they can bully you because of the GC constraint, you need to reconsider your priorities.

                What if they deny taking your greencard? Go to the local USCIS office and see if they can give you something to present to your employer. You can also ask about the duplicate GC if you don't want to take legal action against your in-laws.

                I am getting a feeling from your post that your relationship will not last based on what you said. It is time for you to think of other possibilities like switching back to H1b status by the time the conditional GC expires or something of that sort.

                Also, in case tha marriage does not last, if you can prove that the marriage was not entered into just for the purpose of GC but the separation happened due to circumstances beyond your control, the conditions could be removed and you could have a GC without conditions. How you can prove it is an issue.

                I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


                • #9
                  thank you for your reply txh1b. yes i am considering the option of getting an h1b. i will get my gc on my own if the need arises. i am a hard working and straightforward person and my in laws dont deserve a person like me. i have tried with pure intntion to get back to normal life but i dont think this will happen. i am waiting for praetorians reply as well. thank you for ur inputs , if u have anything else to say, please let me know.





