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I751 submmission

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  • I751 submmission

    Hello everyone,

    Does anyone know if this is something that happens on regular basis or it might be just a mistake?

    I sent my I 751 to Nebraska Service Center (I live in Michigan). Following the USPS track I realized that my package was redirected from Nebraska to California (LAGUNA NIGUEL CA 92607). Today the check I sent along with the paperwork was cashed.

    I was wondering why it was redirected if on the INS website it says very clearly where it should be sent.

    I would appreciate any feedback.


  • #2
    Because the INS has changed the address. I751 filed in Michigan now will be sent to California Service Center.


    • #3
      please help

      I am looking on all this thread for someone can help me, I am preparing my I-751 but I have a question, what should I write on Country of Citizenship, I am from Mexico and on this field is Mexico but on Country of Citizenship I am not sure, could you please help me with this?


      • #4
        BB23- you are a citizen of which ever country's passport you have and travel on. I am going assume you have a mexican passport. if so, then you are a citizen of Mexico. You are a Resident of the USA.

        Best of Luck.
        Last edited by mariejm; 11-03-2009, 12:45 PM.
        Disclaimer:Please bear in mind, my comments are not to be construed as legal advice. These are just my reasonings, based on my personal immigration experience or what I have read. Pay for legal advice or call USCIS to verify my comments.


        • #5

          I really appreciate your help.....thank you!!!!





