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re-entry help!!

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  • re-entry help!!

    i got my greencard last year itself..i am college student...left US in august last year..m goin back to US almost after 10months...would i land myself in any sort of trouble wid the immigratn officer?? completing collge or high skool isnt considered a valid reason???m scared!!! plz help!!
    i have my US driving license,id,social security as well as i have registerd for selective services!!!

  • #2
    You should not have a problem being allowed into the U.S. Since you were out less than a year you would not be considered to have abandoned residency (though you will likely encounter problems should wish to apply for US citizenship within the next five years). It's best to bring, if you have it, so documentation to show that you have been out of the U.S. less than a year (perhaps the plane ticket from last August).

    Originally posted by karanchawla2002 View Post
    i got my greencard last year itself..i am college student...left US in august last year..m goin back to US almost after 10months...would i land myself in any sort of trouble wid the immigratn officer?? completing collge or high skool isnt considered a valid reason???m scared!!! plz help!!
    i have my US driving license,id,social security as well as i have registerd for selective services!!!


    • #3
      thanx a lot for replyin..m a bit scared coz i have heard instances of immigration officers warning ppl or takin ppl to a room for secondary inspection.....my port of entry is chicago....n i feel i have a genuine reason to stay out(completing clg!!)...i hope they understand!!!





