We have in our local area a number of refugees from Myanmar. They had been living in refugee camps in Thailand and via a number of relief organizations, ie Jewish Family Services, were relocated here in Massachusetts, and other states as well. Some of these folks have in the past couple of months acquired their green cards and have an interest in visiting family who are still back in Thailand.
My wife and I have sort of adopted these families; seeing that they get to their doctors and such as well as helping them get through the red tape of this new world. Now they are coming to us with the question of how do they go about getting travel documents to go to Thialand and return again? Being refugees they do not have passports.
I would appreciatte it if you could give us a outline as to what steps these people would need to follow
My wife and I have sort of adopted these families; seeing that they get to their doctors and such as well as helping them get through the red tape of this new world. Now they are coming to us with the question of how do they go about getting travel documents to go to Thialand and return again? Being refugees they do not have passports.
I would appreciatte it if you could give us a outline as to what steps these people would need to follow