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How much time does it take for response to Re-Entry Permit Application?

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  • #61
    Could any help me with this query? Why is there NO explicit mention of 're-entry permit' case processing timelines for NSC?

    Its been 10+ months since receipt of the I-131 application and how long this might take considering covid situation has eased substantially since application.

    Originally posted by Kudla View Post

    My application for re-entry permit is pending since 07/01/2021 at NSC. It's been 10+ months now.

    When I see the case processing times, I see ONLY 'refugee travel document' and 'advance parole' timelines. There is NO mention of 're-entry permit' timelines. Any reason for this?

    Also, looking at the timelines can any here, please help me with approximate time for my re-entry application to be processed?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Nebraska Processing Time.jpg
Views:	554
Size:	97.5 KB
ID:	782215


    • #62
      Do you know if at the moment they still take fingerprints from previous re-entry permits or they make a biometrics appointments at field offices? I want to know what would happen if I apply for a new one.





