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Returning resident vs. I-407? Help, please!

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  • Returning resident vs. I-407? Help, please!

    I have obtained my Green Card in 2003 in connection with family unity (both of my parents are the US citizens), but in 2004 I traveled to Moscow in order to exchange my expiring civil passport, but suddenly had suffered from stroke and stayed in a clinic for some time. Upon rehabilitation, because of limited mobility I accepted employment with a Russian firm and, then, got married. I filed only one tax return and one zero-tax return next year, and then abandoned that procedure, because my income have been taxed locally ever since.

    This December I plan to visit my elderly parents in Las Vegas (together with members of my family). Although I am requesting for my suite a B-1 visitor’s visa, my own status remains rather unclear to me. It looks like I have to file Form I-407, Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Resident Status, but my question is what type if visa could be issued instead? I feel like requesting some form of a substitute granting me unlimited entries to the US for a period of, at least, 5 years in order to visit my aging parents, the US Citizens, in order to take care of them (particularly, my mother is 70 y.o. and is not in good health)?

    I tried to apply to various Web forums and even immigration lawyers, but so far I faced either lack of response or rather vague explanations about above-mentioned I-407, while my time is running out...

  • #2
    Well... thank you all!





