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PLEASE HELP! Green card was taken by police officer

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  • PLEASE HELP! Green card was taken by police officer

    I just want to make clear first that I was not arrested nor have I ever been arrested. well...

    last night I was walking down the street late at night. Maybe around 1 am. I was on my way to a friends house and was stopped by an officer. He asked me for my id and I presented him the only ID I had on me, which was my green card. I don't think the cop had seen one before because he looked at it with confusion. The card was issued aroudn 2007 and was of me with short hair. I have longer hair right now. The cop put me in his cruiser and ran my records and found nothing. He kept mentioning that he didn't think the card was real and that it did not look like me. I was so distraught and shaken by the incident that my mind wasn't there. I was released but forgot about my id.

    As I was walking back home I remembered about it and checked my pockets and did not see it. I also remembered then that the officer had never returned my card back to me.

    As soon as I could, I called the non violence police and had them contact the officer. After speaking to the officer the dispatcher said that the officer could not find my card. I honestly believe that he is lying because I feel like he wanted to confiscate my card because he thought it was a ****. I tried telling him that the card is a federal card and is even more so than a driver's license which you can easily obtain around town.

    I called again today as I woke up and was told that they don't have any evidence of me being stopped, this is despite the fact that the dispatcher I spoke to shortly after it happend was able to locate the officer based on information that she was able to pull up.

    I am really shaken up by this because I've always been told to never lose your green card and was always told how hard it is to get a replacement.

    I am really considering suing this officer or the police department. I have to wait till later on tonight to try to contact this officer since he only works third shift. If he cannot produce my card I almost feel like my only option is to sue. Also, is there anything that immigration can do to help me with this situation?

  • #2
    Consult an immigration lawyer.
    This is my opinion and not legal advice.


    • #3
      I just did and he told me that he doesn't believe that there's anything immigration can do to help me out. It seems as if my only option is legal action.


      • #4
        I got my card back last night!!!

        I guess the officer was off the last few days and had picked up the card when I first called about it. God is great.

        note of advice to everyone: GUARD YOU GREEN CARD WITH YOUR LIFE!!





