Hello to all since this is my first post here. Nice, very informative site that I found through surfing another similar site. I wish I can get some good insight here on my Green-card woes. My sir-dard or dillemma is listed below, I would appreciate any insight or comments to help me make a educated decision.
I become a Resident Alien in March 2002 through marraige. My green-card came promptly after I was approved for legal permanent resident status after passing my interview. However, one of the intials in my middle-name was spelled incorrectly. Since I am orgianlly from Pakistan and wanted to travel, I was worried about the hysteria after 9/11 and proceeded to get a replacement card with my correct name so I wont be given problems re-entering USA coming back from Pakistan against the advice of many people who said that middle name doesnot matter much to begin with and its only a inital in the middle of the spelling and may cause you problems as INS would re-open the case etc. I didn't choose to get legal advice and proceeded to file a I-90 for replacement green card. To my surprise INS officer looked amazed at me making an big issue out of a wrong intial in my middle name and I have to physically point to him where the mistake was many times. Also in the end of that I-90 appointment he put my whole spelled name in front me and asked me If I agree with a smile. I said Yes Sir. To my amazement he asked me to surrender my green-card and I would recieve a new one in 90 days and stamped my passport with a new I-551 stamp. That was more than 1 1/2 years ago.
I just recieved my replacement green card two weeks ago after visiting INS or BCIS offices many times to make inquiry, standing in line from 4am in the morning and filling numerous G-101 for verifying the status of my replacement card. I never got a satisfactory answer except to keep checking BCIS online case status website which kept on increasing the expected days
to 6 months, 1 yrs, more than year etc.
Now my replacment green card has arrived. Everything is correct on it, name, alien number, expiration date, address birth date except where they are supposed to write as from how long i have been a resident alien they have put my birth date instead. Can they for once get things right..god how difficult its for them to fill the proper fill in the blanks. I really donot want to file another I-90 replacement of green card process and loose my card all over again and go through the motions.
Also I am traveliing to Pakistan in Feb 2004 for 1 month. Would I get into any trouble on coming back, everyone says not having the correct date for how long i have been a resident alien is not something major and that they will throughly check you out anyway via their databasses not just by taking your plastic green-card as the only peice they can go on. Names and Alien card number really matters which is correct in my case.
Some people are saying its not that I would be offered any problems entering USA but corrupt immigiration officials at pakistani airport can cause me problems and maynot let me leave. I still have a valid I-551 stamp till June of 2004 but people says that stamp is not known to many people outside USA and may cause you even more problems and its not advisable to travel on that.
I need some advice, input or comments on this. Whether I can stay put or file another replacment I-90 form for a new green card and who knows what other mistake they might make the 3rd time.
I become a Resident Alien in March 2002 through marraige. My green-card came promptly after I was approved for legal permanent resident status after passing my interview. However, one of the intials in my middle-name was spelled incorrectly. Since I am orgianlly from Pakistan and wanted to travel, I was worried about the hysteria after 9/11 and proceeded to get a replacement card with my correct name so I wont be given problems re-entering USA coming back from Pakistan against the advice of many people who said that middle name doesnot matter much to begin with and its only a inital in the middle of the spelling and may cause you problems as INS would re-open the case etc. I didn't choose to get legal advice and proceeded to file a I-90 for replacement green card. To my surprise INS officer looked amazed at me making an big issue out of a wrong intial in my middle name and I have to physically point to him where the mistake was many times. Also in the end of that I-90 appointment he put my whole spelled name in front me and asked me If I agree with a smile. I said Yes Sir. To my amazement he asked me to surrender my green-card and I would recieve a new one in 90 days and stamped my passport with a new I-551 stamp. That was more than 1 1/2 years ago.
I just recieved my replacement green card two weeks ago after visiting INS or BCIS offices many times to make inquiry, standing in line from 4am in the morning and filling numerous G-101 for verifying the status of my replacement card. I never got a satisfactory answer except to keep checking BCIS online case status website which kept on increasing the expected days
to 6 months, 1 yrs, more than year etc.
Now my replacment green card has arrived. Everything is correct on it, name, alien number, expiration date, address birth date except where they are supposed to write as from how long i have been a resident alien they have put my birth date instead. Can they for once get things right..god how difficult its for them to fill the proper fill in the blanks. I really donot want to file another I-90 replacement of green card process and loose my card all over again and go through the motions.
Also I am traveliing to Pakistan in Feb 2004 for 1 month. Would I get into any trouble on coming back, everyone says not having the correct date for how long i have been a resident alien is not something major and that they will throughly check you out anyway via their databasses not just by taking your plastic green-card as the only peice they can go on. Names and Alien card number really matters which is correct in my case.
Some people are saying its not that I would be offered any problems entering USA but corrupt immigiration officials at pakistani airport can cause me problems and maynot let me leave. I still have a valid I-551 stamp till June of 2004 but people says that stamp is not known to many people outside USA and may cause you even more problems and its not advisable to travel on that.
I need some advice, input or comments on this. Whether I can stay put or file another replacment I-90 form for a new green card and who knows what other mistake they might make the 3rd time.