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After GC how long for Citizenship

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  • After GC how long for Citizenship

    Can anybody enlighten me on how many years after getting a GC can one become a US citizen ?

  • #2
    RE: After GC how long for Citizenship

    One has to be a PR for a min., of 5 years before he is eligible for US citizenship.


    • #3
      RE: After GC how long for Citizenship

      Or 3 years if married to a US citizen.


      • #4
        Re: RE: After GC how long for Citizenship

        But I heard that we can apply after 4 years and 9 months, is this right?



        • #5
          RE: After GC how long for Citizenship

          The immigration law says that you can apply up to 3 months before becoming eligible.
          There is some inconsistency, though: the regulations in 8 CFR say that you can apply up to 90 days before becoming eligible. So I would use the lesser of these, which in almost all cases is 90 days.
          So, if you got your GC through employment, you can apply for citizenship 5 years - 90 days after becoming a PR.
          There are also a couple of special cases. The rules are all written down in the Guide to Naturalization, available on the BCIS website.


          • #6
            Re:After GC how long for Citizenship

            Any thoughts, On how long would it take to get citizenship ???



            • #7
              Re:After GC how long for Citizenship

              Currently, it takes about 1 year from application to oath.


              • #8
                Re: Re:After GC how long for Citizenship

                I'm Japanese and I have been married 13 years with US husband. We got married in Japan, then we moved to US in 1994 and had a daughter. We are facing a possible divorce right now. My green card expires year 2004. I don't have a job, because my husband was self-employee and I was his assistant. So when I get divorced, I won't have any job or money (possible to seek out help to a friend who lives in a different state). If my friend could help me out until I find a job and my own place (if I can), can I live in US or I must go back to Japan? If I have to go back to Japan, how long do I have until I must leave. Also I'm considering to apply for citizenship. If I apply, could I stay in US until I get it or ?
                Please help me!
                Thank you.


                • #9
                  Re:After GC how long for Citizenship

                  You are a Permanent Resident. Of course you can stay in the US. After all, it says Permanent Resident. (in fact, you have to continue to live in the US, if you want to keep the GC; all travel abroad has to be temporary in nature.)
                  And of course you can apply for citizenship and stay in the US while the application is pending.


                  • #10
                    Wait a minute


                    Why do you say you will not have any money ? First of all whatever your husband has, you have equal share to that. So when you divorce make sure to demand 50 % of everything. If you worked for him and he did not pay you for that work you are entitled to that back pay also. On top of that he is responsible for paying child alimony for your daughter and also possibly for you. Get a good lawyer and don't let your husband get away cheap !!

                    And as far as your status goes, you are a permanent resident and you can keep renewing your green card or opt for citizenship.


                    • #11
                      Re: Wait a minute

                      A lot of this stuff depends on things like a prenuptial agreement, etc. With a prenup, I think only the wealth acquired during the marriage gets split (again, depends on exactly what the prenup says.)
                      Divorce lawyers can figure this stuff out. That's what they do. The only problem is that these things often get quite messy.





