For background/security check after completed medical normally how long does one have to wait for PPR Request?
My Time line:
PNP Nomination Issued on:02/01/2007
Apply at New Delhi CHC: 10/01/2007
AOR: 15/01/2007
Medical & addi.Info: 25/02/2007
Medical Completed: 08/03/2007
Sent addi.Info: 18/04/2007
PPR/RPRF Request: Waiting.......
My Time line:
PNP Nomination Issued on:02/01/2007
Apply at New Delhi CHC: 10/01/2007
AOR: 15/01/2007
Medical & addi.Info: 25/02/2007
Medical Completed: 08/03/2007
Sent addi.Info: 18/04/2007
PPR/RPRF Request: Waiting.......