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difficult situation

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  • difficult situation

    Hello Friends,

    I need someone to help me out. I had applied for Canadian immigation under skilled workers category in India. meanwhile I came to US on a work visa and transferred my canada file here. at the same time i got married to a US citizen girl thru which i got a conditional green card for US. somedays back i had an argument with my in laws and wife and they threw me out from their house. they took my green card without my knowledge and closed the joint bank accounts with my wife. now i got the canadian immigration interview date and they want me to come with my wife for the inteview because i had also applied for my wife since i am the principal. my wife will not come with as we are living separately and not on talking terms.

    what do i know? will this have a negative effect on my processing. we are not divorced but at the same time not talking to each other also. she does not want the canadian immigration as well. what do i tell the visa officer and how can i secure my canadian immigration? my in laws are hell bent on deporting me back but it will take some time. meanwhile i want to atleast get my canadian immigration so that i can make canada my new home if i cant stay in the US.

    Please assist.


  • #2
    Your Canadian immigration is based on your qualifications and your spouse need not attend if she does not want to. While you go for the immigration interview, tell the VO that you are no longer together and to withdraw her application (if you wish to). That should not impact your immigration prospects to Canada if you qualified by the points system on your own.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      Thanx a lot txh1b. i appreciate ur advice.





