1 have d0ne my 1nterv1ew already f0r adjustment 0f status by marr1age 0n dec 10, 2012. There was an err0r 0n my advance par0le n w0rk perm1t card. 1 was t0ld after the 1nterv1ew that 1t w0uld take 2 weeks. My grand dad 1s pass 0n bef0re the t1me 1 was plann1ng 2 g0 see h1m and n0w 1 want t0 attend the funeral 1n jama1ca. What can 1 d0 as 1 need th1s cl0sure and my fam1ly 1s l00k1ng f0rward 2 see me?
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Originally posted by kaye View Post1 have d0ne my 1nterv1ew already f0r adjustment 0f status by marr1age 0n dec 10, 2012. There was an err0r 0n my advance par0le n w0rk perm1t card. 1 was t0ld after the 1nterv1ew that 1t w0uld take 2 weeks. My grand dad 1s pass 0n bef0re the t1me 1 was plann1ng 2 g0 see h1m and n0w 1 want t0 attend the funeral 1n jama1ca. What can 1 d0 as 1 need th1s cl0sure and my fam1ly 1s l00k1ng f0rward 2 see me?
How can you consistently and repetedly swap 'O' and 'zeros' / '1' s and 'I' s?
I have no idea if you have typed as above just to stand out and be noticed, but it would be hard for people to take you seriously when you are not interested in asking the question in an appripriate manner.