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Changing names at SSA and renewing drivers license with EAD in Colorado

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  • Changing names at SSA and renewing drivers license with EAD in Colorado

    In November, my wife and I filed for her adjustment of status to a permanent residency due to our marriage in May.

    On February 9th, she received her EAD which has her new last name listed. With this document, we went to the DMV to get her driver's license renewed. However, they said that they can't renew because we need to renew social security first; so we did. Both the DMV and SSA said we can renew her driver's license in 24 hrs. So we came back the next morning (less than 24hrs and they rejected her again. She went back to DMV again later in the day and it was still declined. Her old last name worked and a hyphenated old and new last name worked, but not just her new last name.

    Thus, my wife went back to SSA and they told her that it was "in the system" with her new last name and that it was waiting for DHS to authorize it. They told her to come back a week later.

    Today has been a week since her name was changed with SSA, yet the DMV is sill not accepting it. Is this normal or did someone fail to do their job correctly?




