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Expedited Advance Parole

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  • Expedited Advance Parole

    Hi People,

    I need some advice, help etc.

    I am on an F-1. Just married a US citizen and in the process of filing our Adjustment of Status( AOS) application. We plan to file in the next 2-3 days, so lets say June 15th. I asked my lawyer if I could travel to Indonesia for my sisters wedding on August 15th. She said I would need advance parole while my application was pending.

    Then the problem. She mistakenly told me that I could leave the country even is my AP had not come in, and she would mail it to us in Indonesia for my return because we planned to spend 3-5 months there spending time with my parents and also visiting my grandfather who has been sick all of last year, and at age 88 may not have much time left( He does not have any terminal illnesses).

    This of course is not viable because I now know that YOU HAVE TO HAVE AP IN YOUR POSESSION before you can leave the country.

    I am left with a situation where I will need to apply for expedited advance parole if I have any realistic chance of leaving the US by August 12th to make it to my sister’s wedding.

    I know that expedited advance parole is only available in certain situations. I have heard conflicting reports of whether or not a marriage of a blood relative would constitute a “qualifiable reason” for expedited advance parole.

    My question is : What should my course of action be? I feel like applying for expedited advance parole cant hurt. But how should I approach it. Should I make the wedding the focus of my case and the fact that I have paid for tickets, hotels, and other expenses? i.e. Financial Hardship would result from me not being able to leave the US


    Should I plead on the grounds of the fact that my grandfather who is not terminally ill but has been very sick recently, may not live much longer and this could be the last chance to see him.


    Combine the two. His poor health, and the fact that my only sister is getting married.

    I know we have all had different experiences in this tough and frustrating process. One things that often keeps me going is the stories of hope on forums like these. So please, be honest, be upfront, and share you stories and advice with me

    Thanks in advance,

  • #2
    Expedited advance parole

    And just to clarify, the obvious, My F-1 is expired, so I cannot use that to travel


    • #3

      Hi there,

      I am just wondering how you managed to reach a solution to your issue?
      Were you successful in getting your expedited advance parole in time for your sister's wedding?
      I am in a similar situation and would really appreciate your insight.

      Many Thanks.





