My hourly rate was increased and it was communicated from my employer for the month of April, May and June 2013. Employer paid me accurately as he communicated which is mentioned in the paystub also (increased rates) for these months. Recently employer said he did not receive the increased rates from the middle layer so he want to deduct the difference he paid me for these three months and wants to deduct it from my current salary until he is recovers his loss.
Can an employer do this ? after he communicated me in email about the hourly rate increase and also paid me that money and also paustub has that information ? Can he come back to employee to deduct the money since he was not paid that increase from middle vendor ? shouldn't he fight with the middle vendor to get that money ? Please advice whether I can file WH4 complaint at DOL ? Thanks
Can an employer do this ? after he communicated me in email about the hourly rate increase and also paid me that money and also paustub has that information ? Can he come back to employee to deduct the money since he was not paid that increase from middle vendor ? shouldn't he fight with the middle vendor to get that money ? Please advice whether I can file WH4 complaint at DOL ? Thanks