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Employee Agreement

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  • Employee Agreement

    I have a fairly simple problem which I suspect is common to
    many people who work in the computer industry these days. I
    signed an employment agreement committing myself to 2 years
    at a software training firm in DC and now, for
    entirely personal reasons, wish to leave after 1 year.
    The job is part-time and there is nothing in the contract
    indicating any sort of penalties if I leave before 2 years
    are up. There is just a general statement saying that I
    commit myself to the firm for 18 months. There is also a
    four week notice clause, which I plan to observe. Most of
    the rest of the contract deals with the typical "you can't
    work for one of our competitors" type issues.

    Is there any way that my employer could realistically punish
    me for leaving before the 18 months are up? I can't really
    see how he could but he keeps making vaguely threatening
    remarks whenever I bring the subject up (probably just to
    intimidate me--and I guess it's working!). Could he, for
    example, legally with-hold my paycheck or charge me for some
    kind of "training fee" even though none of that is in the
    employment agreement? And just on a technical point: is
    there a difference between an employment "contract" and an
    employment "agreement"?





