My mother's name is spelled wrong in my birth certifcate due to Translation from Hindi and I need to file her I-130. Would following be the correct wording for Affidavit?
I, the undersigned, BHATT AMITA aged – 64 years, Hindu by religion, presently residing at 23 Gulmahor Society, Alkapuri, Baroda – 390001, India, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath that:
1. I am the deponent herein and a citizen of India.
2. I was born on Mar 17, 1944 at Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.
3. My birth name is KUMARI Amita
4. I was married to BHATT Jaydev on Oct 7, 1965 in Surat, Gujarat, India.
5. After Marriage, I changed my name to BHATT Amita
6. My original name was translated from Hindi as BHATT AMEETA in my son’s Birth certificate.
7. Therefore, the following names refer to the one and the same person:
KUMARI Amita (Name after birth)
BHATT Ameeta (Name recorded in my son’s birth certifciate)
BHATT Amita (Name After marriage)
So I do hereby solemnly affirm that foregoing are true and correct statements.
Place: Baroda, Gujarat, India
Date: Dec 30, 2013
My mother's name is spelled wrong in my birth certifcate due to Translation from Hindi and I need to file her I-130. Would following be the correct wording for Affidavit?
I, the undersigned, BHATT AMITA aged – 64 years, Hindu by religion, presently residing at 23 Gulmahor Society, Alkapuri, Baroda – 390001, India, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath that:
1. I am the deponent herein and a citizen of India.
2. I was born on Mar 17, 1944 at Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.
3. My birth name is KUMARI Amita
4. I was married to BHATT Jaydev on Oct 7, 1965 in Surat, Gujarat, India.
5. After Marriage, I changed my name to BHATT Amita
6. My original name was translated from Hindi as BHATT AMEETA in my son’s Birth certificate.
7. Therefore, the following names refer to the one and the same person:
KUMARI Amita (Name after birth)
BHATT Ameeta (Name recorded in my son’s birth certifciate)
BHATT Amita (Name After marriage)
So I do hereby solemnly affirm that foregoing are true and correct statements.
Place: Baroda, Gujarat, India
Date: Dec 30, 2013