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Surname issue on green card forms, someone help?

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  • Surname issue on green card forms, someone help?

    Hey everyone, so, I am filling the form I-130 and I-145 with the others, green card through marriage.

    I got married last week, and My name for me always was like ''Jane <given Herrera <middle name Santos<last name/familyname''
    but the woman at the clerk told me in my brazilian passport my surname was ''Herrera Santos'' and given name Jane, so she said i have 2 last names and Herrera is one of my last names not my middle name.... is that right? or was she wrong?

    So now when i am filling form and they ask for other names used, instead of fill ''SANTOS, Jane Herrera . I gonna have to fill ''SANTOS-HERRERA , Jane'' ??

    please help i am filling on my own and need to know what should i do
    (My maiden name is stated in the marriage certificate as Jane <given Herrera <middle name Santos<last name/familyname'' and the new name is Jane<given, Herrera<middle , Charliston <new surname from husband)

    but in the passport is listed ''surname: Herrera Santos. given name: Jane''




