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process for greencard: husband ewi, marrying me, a citizen

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  • process for greencard: husband ewi, marrying me, a citizen

    hi there
    i have been with my boyfriend now for 6 months, we know each other for much longer, but we would now like to get married have a family etc.

    i currently have another child with my ex boyfriend, child is only 2 years old.

    i have been researching the process for days now, and today it kept me awake from 3am!

    theres just so much information to go through and so many conflicting stories or old infomation.

    here is a summary of the situation.

    my husband to be entered by coming over the border 5 years ago, he is a good person, actually hes a great person, has had the same job since he came to america, no drug use, doesn't drink, has no tattoos, never been arrested etc, he even helps out at homeless shelter, donates blood regularly etc.

    i know that when he goes to ciudad Juarez he will be denied, but should be eligible for a waiver, so we will be prepared for that, but how long will it take to get the waiver processed? i have read accounts of people having the waiver interview the following day etc.

    i dont know if i could bare to loose him for a prolonged period of time, and i cant travel to mexico to be with him, my sons father would not allow me to take our son there, not to mention that where my husband is from is going through alot of violence right now, and i would not be safe, i dont speak spanish, my son would be completely lost! etc..

    so i am wondering if someone can give me their experience on this? how long did it take to get the waiver processed? how long will i be without my husband?

    any information that you think will be useful would be very welcome!




