I have recently married an American citizen and I am trying to figure out how to apply for my Green Card. please advise if anyone has any information on the Medical Report that I have to file. On the webiste a Vaccination report is required and I cannot get that from anywhere. Thank you
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Green Card after marriage with citizen
You have to obtain a completed form I-693 from a USCIS-listed doctor for an immigrant medical exam. He must give you that form in a sealed envelope.
To locate a USCIS-listed doctor in your area, go to:
--Ray B
Originally posted by lauraleca View PostI have recently married an American citizen and I am trying to figure out how to apply for my Green Card. please advise if anyone has any information on the Medical Report that I have to file. On the webiste a Vaccination report is required and I cannot get that from anywhere. Thank you
Recently completed I-693 Medical Report
As Rayb replied, try locating USCIS Approved doctors in your area using link : https://my.uscis.gov/findadoctor and start asking quotes. It can vary from $100 to $500 depending on doctor / locality.
1. USCIS approved doctors don't need any form, just show up at their clinic and they will guide you through process.
2. Medical examination related to Green Card is not covered under your medical insurance (except : vaccines if required, contact your Insurance company to check if it is covered)
3. Vaccines can be received from any clinic as long as they can provide proof or vaccine records. Not mandatory to receive from USCIS approved doctor responsible for completing I-693 form.
4. After successful completion of medical examination, USCIS approved doctor will provide SEALED ENVELOP (don't open this envelop), you can request additional copies of report for personal reference.
In general, you're suppose to receive 4 vaccines related to Chicken pox/ Varicella (2 doses - 28 days apart), TDap (Tet****, Diphtheria, Pertussis vaccine given under skin - has burning sensation), MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine) & Flu (it may vary per individual age / health condition etc.). If you have any records of previous vaccines mentioned earlier, take along with you - it will help to reduce cost. Flu season is from Oct-March, you'll receive waiver for Flu vaccine if you complete examination during off Flu-season (April-Sept).
Medical examination covers blood test for syphilis, physical test, Tb test/screening and vaccination if required.
Below is my experience :
I called around 30-40 doctors in my area after receiving some really crazy quote ranging from $85 to $500. Normally, cost of vaccines drives this examination cost Up. I did not have vaccination record with me, but my current employer insurance (working on H1b full-time for Global company) covered complete vaccination cost.
I opted for basic check up ($85) which covers blood test for syphilis, Tb skin test and physical test. If Tb skin test comes positive, Clinic required additional 50$ for further examination through X-ray . If vaccination required, additional cost for each vaccine. Since, I did not have records of previous vaccines, I decided to opt for vaccines from regular doctort. He provided Chicken pox/ Varicella (2 doses - 28 days apart), Tdap (Tet****, Diphtheria, Pertussis vaccine given under skin - has burning sensation), MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine) which was covered under my medical insurance through employer. I received waiver for Flu vaccine due to off flu-season (April-Sept). Some individuals maybe eligible for chicken pox (Varicella) vaccine waiver if they had history of chicken pox.
After all tests came negative plus I showed recent vaccine records (received through my regular doctor covered under insurance) to USCIS approved doctor - I received sealed envelop containing completed & signed I-693 form by USCIS approved doctor. He also, provided another copy for personal reference.
Everything was completed in $85 with 2 visits to USCIS doctor (for test & results) and 1 visit to regular doctor (for vaccines). While discussing with colleague in office, I heard he paid $1000 for each person (himself and spouse). Be smart, do your homework in locality, but also don't risk your health & body trying to find cheapest options.