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I am so worried

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  • I am so worried

    MY husband is a US citizen and he file our I130 December 2014. We got married with just two witnesses.Someone told me that they will denied the visa because We did not have a traditional ceremony.

  • #2
    Have you guys had sex yet?


    • #3
      The "proof of marriage" requirement is that you have a government-issued marriage certificate that is recorded and is a matter of public record.

      --Ray B

      Originally posted by Simone29 View Post
      MY husband is a US citizen and he file our I130 December 2014. We got married with just two witnesses.Someone told me that they will denied the visa because We did not have a traditional ceremony.


      • #4
        Is that question relevant?


        • #5
          Thank Ray B, that person misunderstood... We got married with just 2 people there,We did not have a reception.


          • #6
            I wouldn't worry about it. Do you have photos of your relationship? With each others family and friends? The USCIS understands that people international relationships have "courthouse" marriages all the time.


            • #7
              I agree with RAY

              It does not matter how many folks who attended the ceremony, it is just a matter of documentation. Examples:

              1- Two people went in Las Vegas for vacation and decided to get married, they won't have any witnesses but the officiated officer.
              2- Two people decided to have a wedding reception, they invited friends and family. It was a big feast, however no official documents to prove that a ceremony was held by an authorized officer.

              It is not about folks who attended your wedding reception, it is about documentation. If it was true, will immigration accept affidavit from folks to acknowledged bona fine marriage just writing and signing a statement under perjury that confirms their knowledge of the existence of one's marriage.

              Don't you worry buddy, It is going to be just fine.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Simone29 View Post
                Is that question relevant?
                Be prepared to be asked that question.
                They may be more polite than me, and ask if the marriage has been consummated.

                If the answer is yes, they will pretty much leave you alone. If the answer is no, they will give you a hard time.


                • #9
                  Yes, I do have photos of us and his family,but not with my family. When he comes back I will take some with my family.





