Hello all and many thanks for any help or advice. This is a complicated situation and I would appreciate anyone’s advice.
I am an unmarried son of a US citizen. My father applied for permanent residence status on an F1 in 2007 and my priority date was June 2007. I completed the Form DS-260 in 2013 which was accepted pending a Thai Police Certificate to cover a year I spent teaching there.
It has not been easy getting hold of this, but this certificate has now been processed and is on its way to me from Thailand.
I am getting married to a UK citizen in August. Ideally I would like to take up my Green Card in late Dec 2016.
My questions are:
1. How quickly is the F1 2016 quota used up? I imagine as soon as the US immigration receive my certificate they will issue one? In which case I will have 6 months to take it up? Should I delay sending off my police certificate?
2. If I miss the quota in 2016 will my marriage affect my green card and my eligibility to apply for my spouse once I have been issued with a green card, or is this all in the system now?
Any other tips and advice on this much appreciated!
I am an unmarried son of a US citizen. My father applied for permanent residence status on an F1 in 2007 and my priority date was June 2007. I completed the Form DS-260 in 2013 which was accepted pending a Thai Police Certificate to cover a year I spent teaching there.
It has not been easy getting hold of this, but this certificate has now been processed and is on its way to me from Thailand.
I am getting married to a UK citizen in August. Ideally I would like to take up my Green Card in late Dec 2016.
My questions are:
1. How quickly is the F1 2016 quota used up? I imagine as soon as the US immigration receive my certificate they will issue one? In which case I will have 6 months to take it up? Should I delay sending off my police certificate?
2. If I miss the quota in 2016 will my marriage affect my green card and my eligibility to apply for my spouse once I have been issued with a green card, or is this all in the system now?
Any other tips and advice on this much appreciated!