I am preparing the form I 864 to petition for my parents. I am currently unemployed and will have my husband to be a joint sponsor. I understand that i will need to have two seperate i 864 for each of my parents. For my husband as being a joint sponsor, i confused as if he needs to file another two i 864 for my parents as well? What is the different between I 864 and I 864A. Which one he will need to fill out. Thank you so much.
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Form I 864
Originally posted by Kelly Tran View PostI am preparing the form I 864 to petition for my parents. I am currently unemployed and will have my husband to be a joint sponsor. I understand that i will need to have two seperate i 864 for each of my parents. For my husband as being a joint sponsor, i confused as if he needs to file another two i 864 for my parents as well? What is the different between I 864 and I 864A. Which one he will need to fill out. Thank you so much.
Yes, you'll need 2 separate I-864 forms.