Goodday Ladies/Gents:
Thank you so much for all the advice on this website. It has helped me understand a lot about how the process works.
Background: I am a USC, and I got married to an F-1 student about a year ago.
My wife and I have filled out all the necessary forms and we're pretty confident about everything, but the affidavit of support (i864). Our concerns are as follows:
1. I am the petitioner/sponsor and my AGI for the last 3 tax years have been well below the poverty line ($0, $3000, $15000), however, I recently got a new job with a total projected earning of over $30000... Even though my projected 2016 income is above 125% of the HHS Poverty Guidelines for myself, my wife and child, I'm worried that the huge gap between my past tax returns and this new number might be a problem. I have attached an unofficial statement of my earnings as shown on my company's employee's selfservice site, but we're still not confident enough. Should we be worried, or should we find another way?
2. Would hiring a lawyer help with the aforestated issue? We were going to do this ourselves, but this issue has given birth to doubts.
3. Would including my wife's earnings from an internship help?
4. Just a side question, Are the following enough for proof of marriage: marriage license, joint tax return, joint auto insurance, voided checks with our names, affidavits from my sister and father-inlaw, and I ???
Thanks for you anticipated/expected illumination/help/answers.
Thank you so much for all the advice on this website. It has helped me understand a lot about how the process works.
Background: I am a USC, and I got married to an F-1 student about a year ago.
My wife and I have filled out all the necessary forms and we're pretty confident about everything, but the affidavit of support (i864). Our concerns are as follows:
1. I am the petitioner/sponsor and my AGI for the last 3 tax years have been well below the poverty line ($0, $3000, $15000), however, I recently got a new job with a total projected earning of over $30000... Even though my projected 2016 income is above 125% of the HHS Poverty Guidelines for myself, my wife and child, I'm worried that the huge gap between my past tax returns and this new number might be a problem. I have attached an unofficial statement of my earnings as shown on my company's employee's selfservice site, but we're still not confident enough. Should we be worried, or should we find another way?
2. Would hiring a lawyer help with the aforestated issue? We were going to do this ourselves, but this issue has given birth to doubts.
3. Would including my wife's earnings from an internship help?
4. Just a side question, Are the following enough for proof of marriage: marriage license, joint tax return, joint auto insurance, voided checks with our names, affidavits from my sister and father-inlaw, and I ???
Thanks for you anticipated/expected illumination/help/answers.