Hey guys!
Let's get to the point. We received our NVC case number yesterday and did the application online (the DS, first part of application), but I just want to clarify a few things...
- Will the IV fee and applications unlock when they are ready? Will they notify us when they unlock for us to do? Will they unlock one-by-one since they ask me to do my application first, then hers? It says to allow a week before submitting the next application (which has yet to unlock for any of us), but it only says so for her.
- When can we select which way to process, I'd like to do it by email (yes, I'm eligible), and want to make sure they know.
Anyways, onto my initial question...
- I heard they're going to ask for tax returns from both of us from the past three years, I worked from 2014 > 15', two different jobs. Before that though, I was just doing commission work as a free-lance artist/designer, I continue to do this online. How am I going to prove that/show tax returns for that, what should I do? I also heard they only needed one year of tax returns from the beneficiary... there are straight answer there?
Any help is appreciated!!
Let's get to the point. We received our NVC case number yesterday and did the application online (the DS, first part of application), but I just want to clarify a few things...
- Will the IV fee and applications unlock when they are ready? Will they notify us when they unlock for us to do? Will they unlock one-by-one since they ask me to do my application first, then hers? It says to allow a week before submitting the next application (which has yet to unlock for any of us), but it only says so for her.
- When can we select which way to process, I'd like to do it by email (yes, I'm eligible), and want to make sure they know.
Anyways, onto my initial question...
- I heard they're going to ask for tax returns from both of us from the past three years, I worked from 2014 > 15', two different jobs. Before that though, I was just doing commission work as a free-lance artist/designer, I continue to do this online. How am I going to prove that/show tax returns for that, what should I do? I also heard they only needed one year of tax returns from the beneficiary... there are straight answer there?
Any help is appreciated!!