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I-751 waiver Would I need a lawyer right not now ?

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  • I-751 waiver Would I need a lawyer right not now ?

    I filed my i-751 in February 2016 . After divorcing my ex husband InJanuary 2016 . Immigration did get back to me after I sent a service request on 04/24/17 They sent me a reply on 05/24/17 telling me that I am in queue to be scheduled for an interview. I divorced him after 2 1/2 years of marriage . I submitted the joint medical , car insurance, car registration, joint account that he kept taking money out of .A copy of his criminal offense for a misdemeanor with his child mother while we were married . It had a fine of 400 that I paid since he was unemployed. A letter from the Mariage counselor stating that I am a victim of domestic abuse . 2 letters from friends of his, a notarized letter from him stating that he was the problem. Joint taxes . I sent a detailed explanation of why he remained unemployed- he failed his background checks . He lied to me about his criminal record . An explanation of his bad credit which is why he was not on the car loan . NO lease - we lived with my Mom - she did an affidavit . I sent some laid back photos of us at home . He signed into a rehabilitation place the same month before our divorce. After denying for so long that he smoked. Out of curiosity I looked up god name two days ago on the the judiciary website. Two more charges on 03/17/2017. He continues to be a nuisance I see. The man that I fell for was church going and a minister in training at the time . But his childhood was not good . Both his mom and dad was on crack- not making any excuses for him I am done doing that . But because I had to divorce him I Feel like I am now in a Predicament with an upcoming interview that I have no date for as yet ! The Unkown is scary '

  • #2
    he smoked....... tobacco?





