United States Department of Homeland Security
PO Box 805887
Chicago, IL 60680-4120
March 15, 2017
Adjustment of Status Application - Concurrent Form: I-485 and Form I-130
Alien Spouse: Spouse who is applying for GREEN CARD here)
Dear USCIS Officer:
Please find the enclosed Concurrent an Adjustment of Status applications for:
Included in this application are the following documents:
Check in the amount of $535.00 USD for the I-130
Form G-1145 E- Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance
Form I – 130 Petition for Alien Relative
Copy of CBP I-94 Most Recent Print Out
Form I-765 Application for Employment Authorization
Form G 325A Biographical Information for (Petitioner)
Form G 325A Biographical Information for (Applicant)
Form I-864 Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA
Income Tax returns for Petitioner for years 2013, 2014 and 2015
Form I-485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status
Check in the amount of $1140.00 USD for the I-485
Check in the amount of $85.00 for Biometric Service Fee
Copy of petitioners certified Birth Certificate
Certified Marriage Certificate
Copy of Petitioners Drivers License (MN)
Certified Birth Certificate for Alien
Certified translation of Alien Birth Certificate from Portuguese to English
Copy of Petitioners Passport (Biographical page)
Copy of Alien’s Passport (Biographical page)
Copy of Alien’s Visa B1/B2
Proof of Marriage declaration letters from Family/Friends: 11 Letters
Passport photos for Alien (2)
Proof of legal Marriage: Photos of Petitioner and Alien: Marriage, vacations and family and friends: 48 Full photo: Chicago Trip Wilis Tower, Christmas Card, Wedding Card.
Marriage Dissolution for (Name of Divorced applicant, IF APPLICABLE (Previous marriage) Filed:
Should there be any additional information you need or anything we have not included that is necessary, please contact us:
Your information here
Hey ... We were married on December 9th 2016. We were very apprehensive to start the immigration process for reasons that were NOT true.
We were told when you file, if you make a mistake, they will return the documents and keep the money you sent in, and you have to pay again: NOT TRUE ...
If you file your paper work with the USPS ... it will go to a lockbox address. Here there are staff that JUST MAKE SURE ALL DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERLY FILLED OUT AND PAYMENT IS CORRECT. If you do NOT supply the 3 checks attached to the forms for payment with the correct amounts, they will RETURN everything and ask you to send in again. If you are sending in the forms listed above. CHECK THE USCIS website to MAKE SURE you have the most recent form, as if you are sending in a form, and a more recent form is available, they will AGAIN send it back to you and you have to resend. THEY DO NOT charge you more than ONCE. They will not even take the checks/money order until ALL paperwork sent in is correct. The problem is it took 3-4 weeks to get the package BACK as we made a mistake and OVER paid, then we sent it back in and another 3-4 weeks, it was RETURNED AGAIN because we did not fill out the most recent form of one of the forms we sent in. THIS TIME WE CHECKED every single form, made sure checks were written for the correct amount, and FINALLY we got a letter stating that our papers were sent to the immigration office and we will be contacted for the bio-metric finger print appointment and an immigration officer will be assigned. IT IS NOT difficult, we did it ourselves and saved 3500-5000 dollars for an attorney. Once you have everything in order, and payment is correct, you will be fine.
The total payment was 1140.00 + 535.00 + 85.00 = 1760.00 total. That is as of June 2017, those prices can change, so BE SURE TO CHECK. You may be able to write ONE check for 1760.00, but honestly I would do 3 separate checks attached to each correlating form. Just makes it easier for the immigration office. Put everything in order as it's listed on the cover letter, and PLACE THE COVER LETTER ON TOP and if you want email or text confirmation: Put the G-1145 form, right after the cover letter. But, if it's in the order you have on the cover page, it is easier. Remember, making things easier for the immigration office will make YOUR LIFE easier too.
In addition to all the forms we sent (mentioned above) we did get a letter June 21 - 2017 saying we did not fill out an I-130A, this form is for the applicant information, previous residence and work history and parents information mosty, and they needed a COPY of the original birth certificate. WHICH we had already sent in a certified copy of it along with an English translation, they either lost it or needed another. So, we made multiple copies in the event they ask for it again.
I HOPE this helps as when we started this process, we thought it would be so difficult and possibly have to REPAY if mistakes were made and that was NOT the case. If you have any questions, please send and we will try to answer ok ...
Best of luck ..
PO Box 805887
Chicago, IL 60680-4120
March 15, 2017
Adjustment of Status Application - Concurrent Form: I-485 and Form I-130
Alien Spouse: Spouse who is applying for GREEN CARD here)
Dear USCIS Officer:
Please find the enclosed Concurrent an Adjustment of Status applications for:
Included in this application are the following documents:
Check in the amount of $535.00 USD for the I-130
Form G-1145 E- Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance
Form I – 130 Petition for Alien Relative
Copy of CBP I-94 Most Recent Print Out
Form I-765 Application for Employment Authorization
Form G 325A Biographical Information for (Petitioner)
Form G 325A Biographical Information for (Applicant)
Form I-864 Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA
Income Tax returns for Petitioner for years 2013, 2014 and 2015
Form I-485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status
Check in the amount of $1140.00 USD for the I-485
Check in the amount of $85.00 for Biometric Service Fee
Copy of petitioners certified Birth Certificate
Certified Marriage Certificate
Copy of Petitioners Drivers License (MN)
Certified Birth Certificate for Alien
Certified translation of Alien Birth Certificate from Portuguese to English
Copy of Petitioners Passport (Biographical page)
Copy of Alien’s Passport (Biographical page)
Copy of Alien’s Visa B1/B2
Proof of Marriage declaration letters from Family/Friends: 11 Letters
Passport photos for Alien (2)
Proof of legal Marriage: Photos of Petitioner and Alien: Marriage, vacations and family and friends: 48 Full photo: Chicago Trip Wilis Tower, Christmas Card, Wedding Card.
Marriage Dissolution for (Name of Divorced applicant, IF APPLICABLE (Previous marriage) Filed:
Should there be any additional information you need or anything we have not included that is necessary, please contact us:
Your information here
Hey ... We were married on December 9th 2016. We were very apprehensive to start the immigration process for reasons that were NOT true.
We were told when you file, if you make a mistake, they will return the documents and keep the money you sent in, and you have to pay again: NOT TRUE ...
If you file your paper work with the USPS ... it will go to a lockbox address. Here there are staff that JUST MAKE SURE ALL DOCUMENTS ARE PROPERLY FILLED OUT AND PAYMENT IS CORRECT. If you do NOT supply the 3 checks attached to the forms for payment with the correct amounts, they will RETURN everything and ask you to send in again. If you are sending in the forms listed above. CHECK THE USCIS website to MAKE SURE you have the most recent form, as if you are sending in a form, and a more recent form is available, they will AGAIN send it back to you and you have to resend. THEY DO NOT charge you more than ONCE. They will not even take the checks/money order until ALL paperwork sent in is correct. The problem is it took 3-4 weeks to get the package BACK as we made a mistake and OVER paid, then we sent it back in and another 3-4 weeks, it was RETURNED AGAIN because we did not fill out the most recent form of one of the forms we sent in. THIS TIME WE CHECKED every single form, made sure checks were written for the correct amount, and FINALLY we got a letter stating that our papers were sent to the immigration office and we will be contacted for the bio-metric finger print appointment and an immigration officer will be assigned. IT IS NOT difficult, we did it ourselves and saved 3500-5000 dollars for an attorney. Once you have everything in order, and payment is correct, you will be fine.
The total payment was 1140.00 + 535.00 + 85.00 = 1760.00 total. That is as of June 2017, those prices can change, so BE SURE TO CHECK. You may be able to write ONE check for 1760.00, but honestly I would do 3 separate checks attached to each correlating form. Just makes it easier for the immigration office. Put everything in order as it's listed on the cover letter, and PLACE THE COVER LETTER ON TOP and if you want email or text confirmation: Put the G-1145 form, right after the cover letter. But, if it's in the order you have on the cover page, it is easier. Remember, making things easier for the immigration office will make YOUR LIFE easier too.
In addition to all the forms we sent (mentioned above) we did get a letter June 21 - 2017 saying we did not fill out an I-130A, this form is for the applicant information, previous residence and work history and parents information mosty, and they needed a COPY of the original birth certificate. WHICH we had already sent in a certified copy of it along with an English translation, they either lost it or needed another. So, we made multiple copies in the event they ask for it again.
I HOPE this helps as when we started this process, we thought it would be so difficult and possibly have to REPAY if mistakes were made and that was NOT the case. If you have any questions, please send and we will try to answer ok ...
