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re: step-daughter and i-485 interview

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  • re: step-daughter and i-485 interview


    I am curious what types of questions I may be asked since I have a step-daughter.
    Also, since me and my wife are different race, would that have a diff impact? I have heard from some ppl that a couple of diffrent races face more questions.

    Our marriage is genuine, we have known each other for close to 2yrs. but I would like to be prepared.

  • #2
    Originally posted by sa2006

    I am curious what types of questions I may be asked since I have a step-daughter.
    Also, since me and my wife are different race, would that have a diff impact? I have heard from some ppl that a couple of diffrent races face more questions.

    Our marriage is genuine, we have known each other for close to 2yrs. but I would like to be prepared.

    The officers look at th etotality of the circumstnces, not just someone races. So in some insatnces, race could be on e of the factor. No one can say if its a factor in your case. if there is a child involved, regardless of the parent, then it would be reasonable to expect questions about care of the child, who takes the child ( depending on age) to daycare etc. If the marraig eis genuine ther eis no preparation required, just tell th etruth.


    • #3
      RE: thanks

      Thanks for your reply. Yes, it is genuine mariage. both of us drop her at the school, however, I work till evening, so she stays at my mother-in-law's house until one of us picks her up.

      do I need to bring her w/me to the interview?


      • #4
        Originally posted by sa2006
        Thanks for your reply. Yes, it is genuine mariage. both of us drop her at the school, however, I work till evening, so she stays at my mother-in-law's house until one of us picks her up.

        do I need to bring her w/me to the interview?

        Theres no requiremnt to but theres no harm either, especially if youre close to the child. They will see how you interact with the child.





