First of all, I need to inform you that I am impressed with information and knowledge on your web site. Wow!!!
I found there a lot of answers to my questions, which I could not find anywhere else for a long time.
Thank you for your kindness in sharing your knowledge with others and fantastic explanations of these difficult immigration issues!
I have two questions regarding: following to join benefits for spouses and children of permanent resident.
There is information on your web site that spouse and child of the permanent resident may be eligible for the following-to-join benefits if they did not physically accompany the beneficiary of permanent residency to the USA, assuming that both: marriage and child existed before permanent residency was granted to the beneficiary.
My questions are:
1) what if both: spouse and child did physically accompany the beneficiary of permanent residency to the USA (e.g. on H-4 status) but leaved U.S. (without applying for their adjustment of status) before the permanent residency was granted to the beneficiary? May such spouse and child still be eligible for following-to-join benefits, or it would be against the law?
2) Will U.S. Consulate contact spouse and child of the U.S. permanent resident once the I-824 is approved or will such a spouse and child have to contact U.S. Consulate without waiting for any notes from this Consulate?
First of all, I need to inform you that I am impressed with information and knowledge on your web site. Wow!!!
I found there a lot of answers to my questions, which I could not find anywhere else for a long time.
Thank you for your kindness in sharing your knowledge with others and fantastic explanations of these difficult immigration issues!
I have two questions regarding: following to join benefits for spouses and children of permanent resident.
There is information on your web site that spouse and child of the permanent resident may be eligible for the following-to-join benefits if they did not physically accompany the beneficiary of permanent residency to the USA, assuming that both: marriage and child existed before permanent residency was granted to the beneficiary.
My questions are:
1) what if both: spouse and child did physically accompany the beneficiary of permanent residency to the USA (e.g. on H-4 status) but leaved U.S. (without applying for their adjustment of status) before the permanent residency was granted to the beneficiary? May such spouse and child still be eligible for following-to-join benefits, or it would be against the law?
2) Will U.S. Consulate contact spouse and child of the U.S. permanent resident once the I-824 is approved or will such a spouse and child have to contact U.S. Consulate without waiting for any notes from this Consulate?