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Name Change matter on Green Card forms?

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  • Name Change matter on Green Card forms?

    I am taking my husband's name but keeping my maiden name also. Is it ok to use my double barrel name now on all the forms needed for family based green card? My passport has only my maiden name. Will the copy of our marriage certificate by sufficient as proof of my name change?

    It's just that I read somewhere that the Green Card may still be issued in whatever my name is on my passport.

    Thank you for your help

  • #2
    get it updated in the passport first to keep the name consistent


    • #3
      Where can I do this? I am based in Denver, CO. Is there only one place in the U.S. to do this or does each state have somewhere local?


      • #4
        For a US Passport, you can go to the Post Office. If you have a foreign passport, you will need to contact your embassy.


        • #5
          The Consular general in San Francisco advises that I apply for a new passport as they say the same name should be used on your passport, green card & airline tickets. I was issued a brand new passport last December before traveling here and I don't have the funds now to apply for another one. This process is costly enough. So I was thinking that perhaps I just keep my maiden name for now until I travel home at Christmas where on a local level I could ask about endorsing my married name then. There is a question in some of the forms for green card "other names used", perhaps I could mention there my married name?





