Mixed Insurance Banners Health Insurance for Visitors to USA


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I'm totally new to this

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  • I'm totally new to this

    We got married but now don't know what to do. He's been in this country for 16 years with no status. He has a tax identification number for his business but that's absolutely it. No other documentation and his Drivers License expired and can't be renewed without a ssn. I am afraid if we apply for a green card he will get deported. Any suggestions of where I can go for help.
    Thank you. I am a citizen.

  • #2
    Did he enter legally or illegally?

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      Get yourself a good immigration lawyer


      • #4
        he entered illegally 16 yrs ago......I probably should get a lawyer


        • #5
          there is no way for him to get a green card and he is subject to a 10 year ban from re-entering the USA. You need a good immigration lawyer to file a I-601 waiver.
          Disclaimer: The information you obtain from me at this forum is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.





